Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Childhood Stories?

Part 1: Why?Why are stories so important to childhood? Why do people read stories to kids? What do the kids get out of this experience? What kinds of things do kids learn from the actual stories and from the experience?
In childhood, stories are very important. They help us develop part of our mind. They help us be creative. Having stories read to us help us create memories with the person who is reading it to us. They help us get close to them. From the story we can learn many different things. We learn about what happens when something goes wrong, and how to have a good time.

Part 2: Why? Later in life...Why do older people (high school and beyond) read stories? What do these readers get out of this experience? What kinds of things do older reader learn from the actual stories?
High school students read to help many things as well. We are still getting our mind to being there and stuff. We learn many different information. We can also getting some ideas for writing a paper or other stories. Reading also makes us not bored. It gives us that we are there and we are expierencing it while being there. It makes it come to life, and it helps us work through out problems.

Part 3: Why? In our nation why are stories so important to our nation? The New York Times best seller lists are one of the most powerful media tools in the world. People flock to by the books listed there. How do stories fit into the fabric of our national identity? How do stories people write create a forum for the discussion of concerns and issues in our nation? What do stories allow people (the writer and the reader) to do?
I think that that nation really enjoys this list because it recommends us what to read. It helps us get an idea of what people enjoy reading and what they think is good. I think that they create discussion because most stories are from one persons take on something. We can all interpert it in different ways. It helps us understand, and see if we agree with what that person said.

Part 4: Your stories What were some stories you remember from your childhood? Why do you think these ones stand out? think of actual books as well as stories you were told orally by people. Whom do you connect to these stories?
One story that I remeber is 'Good Night Moon.' This book stands out in my head because I always had it read to me at night. I would always turn the page and look for the mouse right now. This story I connect with my mom and dad.

Part 5: Characteristics of a well-told storyDevelop a list of 7-10 characteristics that stories should have. Be specific. Do not just say that "stories should have good characters." What makes a character good? Think about what the author should do and how the reader should feel when reading.
Stories should :
1. Good pictures (Lots of color, shapes that kids would know)
2. Simple Words-that we can understand.
3. Something to find: It can be a picture, or a hidden message
4. Life Lesson: lets you learn from someone elses mistake
5. Repeating the problem over and over. helps keep the reader engaged
6. Having a theme will help keep us engaged and want us to read more
7. Conclusion: having an ending is very important, it just closes everything and it makes the story come to an end.
8. It should make you have some kind of emotion after you have read the story.


Maitland said...

I loved Good Night Moon! There was always something soothing about it. Which is another reason parents read to their kids. To calm them down before they go to sleep.

People definitely get different things from different stories. That's what makes life interesting.

Stef said...

aah! Goodnight Moon!! Such a classic. Did you have to find the mouse on every page like me? One time I went to Barnes and Noble with some friends and we sat in the kids section reading out loud to each other for about an hour. Anyway, you and I said a lot of the same things about what good stories need to include. Great minds think alike, I suppose. So I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say.